Board Evaluations that deliver meaningful insights

Your board evaluations could be simpler, faster, and more impactful.

We have reimagined the process to deliver meaningful insights while saving your directors’ time.

Our streamlined approach combines 20 thoughtfully designed questions with just 20 minutes of each director’s time to foster open and meaningful discussions.

It includes:

  • Conversational Process: Say goodbye to tedious check-the-box evaluations and hello to dynamic, discussion-driven formats.
  • Independent Expertise: Work with skilled evaluators who provide objective guidance and unlock your board’s full potential.
  • Actionable Results: Tailored insights to address your board’s unique needs, driving performance and governance improvements.

Step into the future of board evaluation.

Our tailored Evaluations include the following sections:

  1. Board Composition and Performance
  2. Board Strategy and Risk Management
  3. Board Meetings
  4. Information Technology Governance & Management
  5. Board Committees
  6. Director Self and Peer Evaluation
  7. Independence Reviews
  8. Key Individuals (Chair, CEO, FD, Company Secretary)
  9. Conflict of interests and capacity of directors
  10. Open Ended Questions

A well thought-out and comprehensive board evaluation provides your board of directors with an excellent opportunity to enhance performance and to better meet the needs of your company and its stakeholders.

An external, formal and comprehensive board evaluation should be conducted every 2 years.

This is in line with Principle 9 of King IV, which recommends that a formal process. Either externally facilitated or not in accordance with methodology approved by the governing body, be followed for evaluating the performance of the governing body, its committees, its Chair and its individual members at least every 2 years.

Elevate Your Board Evaluations with Fit & Proper Assessments

Acorim includes Fit & Proper Assessments in our Board Evaluation services—essential for JSE-listed companies and PFMA-regulated entities.

With new proposed JSE Listings Requirements, ensure your directors meet the highest standards of integrity, competence, and financial soundness.

✅ Stay Compliant – Align with evolving regulations
✅ Mitigate Risks – Vet directors thoroughly
✅ Strengthen Reputation – Showcase governance excellence

The Company we keep